Trisomy 18 growth charts

The growth of fetuses, babies, children and adults with Trisomy 18 is slower than average. This can mean they tend to fall off the standard charts, often very early

Fetuses often have symmetrical IUGR , you may find at an early scan that you are told that your dates are wrong as your baby is smaller than they expect. If you are fairly sure of your dates, you might want to consider using the LMP dates when making pregnancy management decisions as this is likely to be more accurate.

As fetuses with trisomy 18 then continue to grow slowly, they may fall off the standard charts and delivery may be considered due to the slow growth. Using the Trisomy 18 charts in conjunction with the normal charts can help make appropriate decisions, balancing the benefits of early delivery against the benefits of increased gestational age to survival in T18. The fetal growth charts are here 

Infants tend to be born with lower birth weights than children with typical chromosomes and tend to grow slowly. Postnatal growth charts are available on the SOFT US website here 

Comparing T18 specific charts with the standard charts available here  and in the Red Book, can avoid overfeeding, however it is also useful to make sure professionals don't use the slow growth as an excuse to underfeed as we found with Rumer. Babies and children with T18, may have additional calorie requirements due to increased work of breathing, cardiac defects or other issues.

Trisomy 18&13 Fetal Growth Charts
Trisomy 18 &13 Post Birth Growth Charts
Standard UK Post Birth Growth Charts

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