Trisomy 18 pamphlets, leaflets and booklets

These are various leaflets, pamphlets and booklets available online about trisomy 18.

Your Unborn Baby (SOFT UK) 
Discusses the genetics of T18 and 13, the decision making process parents may go through, termination and issues around termination, continuing a pregnancy, specialised care at birth ( note : SOFT UK does not support high level treatments) and bereavement. A useful overview.

Your Baby (SOFT UK)
Discusses the genetics of T18 and 13, some of the common issues parents will encounter and some of the typical treatments. A useful overview

Care of the Infant or Child with Trisomy 13 or 18 (SOFT USA)
A booklet from SOFT USA which discusses the medical and developmental issues parents may encounter and typical treatments. More detailed than the UK booklet, a useful resource.

Preparing for your baby's arrival (International Trisomy Alliance) 
Discusses pregnancy management, birth plans and neonatal care. Evidence based and pro active treatment

A Cherished Pregnancy (International Trisomy Alliance) 
For parents who continue a pregnancy with a diagnosis of trisomy. Discusses making memories and some basic information about pregnancy and birth plans.

Trisomy 13 and 18: A family dictionary of medical terms (International Trisomy Alliance)
Describes common medical terms you are likely to encounter after a prenatal or postnatal diagnosis of trisomy 18

Sibling booklets (International Trisomy Alliance)
The ITA has published two booklets for siblings of unborn children with T18/13, there is also information that would be relevant for a postnatal diagnosis.

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