Trisomy 18 groups

These are online groups and forums you may find useful

Trisomy 18 & 13 families UK 
Very supportive group in the UK. The most active UK group we've found and where most of the families with surviving children are.

Edwards syndrome families UK
UK group for families with trisomy 18, a broader range of experiences from families who have chosen to terminate to those with surviving children but not so active

Rare Trisomy Parents 
International group (predominantly US) for parents of children with rare trisomies. A lot of expertise and a very active group.

Support Organisation for Trisomy (SOFT)
Another very active international (predominantly US) group. A lot of expertise .

Trisomy Families
International group (predominantly US) for parents of children with rare trisomies. Very active group, also has a lot of expertise

Trisomy Angels 
For parents who have lost their babies with trisomy 18, 13 or other rare trisomies. Sadly not very active

Trisomy Family Directory 
Directory of families with children and adults with rare trisomies by country. Add your details and look for other families in your area. 

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